Thanks for the article

Cutting through the politics, isnt it in Chinese interest, to end this conflict, in the unlikely event the West prevails?

It seems the crazies, in the USA admin, are attempting to double down on this losing proposition, and are willing to press forward against Russia. They are even threatening to upend the China One policy.

Assuming the USA propaganda machine, is correct, and we will wage (some sort) of war against China and/or Russia, do you think the Russo/Sino alliance is strong enough for both to come to each others aid in the event of a war with a mutual military pact?

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China certainly would like to see the Russia-Ukraine crisis end peacefully asap, and that is exactly what China has been championing for. As for the scenario where war breaks out between U.S. and China, I hope cooler heads will prevail.

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Hi Yang,

there are 2 things that seem incomprehensible to me. Mutually exclusive, in fact.

1) all of the media, statements from USA administration, all seems geared to gin up the citizenzry here, to manufacture consent for a war. Alarming the citizens here that China is somehow an imminent danger. There seems to be SO MUCH, Sinophobic rhetoric being spread here, its incredible.

2) much of the goods, that the USA uses, is FROM China. And much of our manufacturing is done by industry here, IN China. How could the USA , practically, even think, they could destroy our economy, with a purposeless war against China?

In fact, how could, the USA concievably, convince, Europe, to further destroy their own economies, by engaging in a conflict, with China?

The entire conflict, seems groundless, since China doesn't even have designs to forcibly attach Taiwan to the mainland. That appears transparent. And China and Taiwan share so much of a manufacturing/trading with each other. I think that is true.

If what i am saying is true, then the reason i do not feel cooler heads will prevail, is becauses, its ludicrous for the USA to even have brought this situation to where its at. Do you think my logic is off? thanks so much for taking the time to read it Yang..

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I think insecurity is deeply baked into the psyche of U.S. policy makers, that they feel threatened by not by the fact that China WILL undermine U.S. dominance of world power but that it CAN. Alot of the policies that aims at containing China at the expense of U.S. interest is the result of this hyper sense of insecurity. I don't know what China can do to allay this insecurity, or that it can be allayed at all.

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Agree with all you say. Altho, i do feel that it doesnt seem to me a percieved threat of undermining the USA's interest in maintaining global hegemony.

I think its a foregone conclusion, that the leadership, here, refuses to accept

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It's in the PRC's interest to achieve a peace deal and win the status of peacemaker. However, the more that Russian crazies win in such a deal, the more Europe will sour against the PRC. Beijing's situation is that if it wants to succeed in presenting itself to Europe as a credible alternative to the US, then it will have to convince Russian crazies to leave Ukraine.

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